Newborn Plants ReLeaf trees
Newborn Public Works and Newborn Tree Board volunteers recently teamed up to plant new trees at several locations in Newborn. The Town was awarded a Georgia ReLeaf Grant for $4650 for planting trees and a tree giveaway at the 2025 Arbor Day event. The funding is provided by the U.S. Forest Service through the Georgia Forestry Commission and Georgia Tree Council.
Most of the trees, including Oak species, Elm, Silverbell, and Hornbeam, were planted at the new Town Park located on Timberlake Drive. The Park is located on two adjacent lots that the Town purchased for the purpose of developing a new park which will serve as the trailhead to the Crickett Frog Trail. A trail will soon be constructed from the new park, along easements provided by adjoining landowners, to Ziegler Rd. where it will connect with the Crickett Frog Trail. The trees planted will provide future shade in open areas around the park. The Town is also planning to construct a pavilion and butterfly garden in the park.
Several oaks and Hornbeam trees were planted along Fulton St. to provide tree canopy though an open area. A Japanese Maple tree was planted at the Newborn Historic Schoolhouse to replace a tree that had originally been planted in 2018 in memory of Betty Ozburn, a charter member of the Newborn Tree Board.
In addition to the tree planting the ReLeaf Grant will also fund a tree giveaway at Newborn’s annual Arbor Day event on February 15, 2025. The tree giveaway will be from 11:00 to 1:00 at the Newborn Historic Schoolhouse. Several species of 3 gallon hardwood trees will be given out to homeowners while supplies last. Species available will include Red maple, Scarlet oak, Sweetbay magnolia, Fringe tree, Serviceberry, and Redbud. Redbud and Oak tree seedlings will also be available. Mansfield Market is providing lunch for all participants. The event is sponsored by the Town of Newborn with assistance from Newborn Tree Board and Oconee Master Gardener volunteers.

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